The Top Reasons Why You Should Use an Ergonomic Keyboard and How It Can Help You?

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Ergonomic keyboards are specifically designed to reduce the stress and strain that is commonly experienced in the hands and wrists when using a standard keyboard for extended periods of time. If you’re a desk-based worker or avid computer user, it’s likely that your hands, wrists and arms feel sore after long stints in front of the keyboard. Repetitive strain injuries (RSIs) such as carpal tunnel syndrome, tendinitis and ulnar nerve palsy are all common in people who spend many hours typing every day. Working long hours at the computer can cause aches and pains in your hands, arms, shoulders and neck. It can also lead to more serious problems like carpal tunnel syndrome, tendonitis and ulnar nerve palsy. These conditions are known collectively as repetitive strain injuries (RSIs).

Tingling, numbness and loss of feeling in the hands, wrists and arms

The first sign that something is wrong is usually a tingling or pins and needles sensation in the hands, wrists or forearms. This is a result of the narrowing of the blood vessels in the hands and wrists due to the increased pressure that is being exerted on the nerves as a result of long periods of typing. If left untreated, this sensation can progress to numbness and weakness in the hands, which obviously makes typing very difficult.

Aching shoulders and stiffness in the neck

The posture of many people who sit at computer desks for hours each day is terrible. The head is kept in a fixed position, the shoulders are hunched forward and the arms are bent at a 90-degree angle. All of this leads to muscle stiffness and soreness in the shoulders, back, neck and arms. Tensing the muscles of the upper back often leads to headaches and general discomfort in the neck and shoulders. And, as if all this weren’t enough, aching wrists and hands can often be the result of holding the arms bent at an uncomfortable angle for too long.

Carpal tunnel syndrome

One of the most serious issues associated with RSI is carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition causes the carpal tunnel to swell and narrow, so that it can no longer accommodate the fluid and nerve fibres that pass through it. This can compress the median nerve, which passes through the carpal tunnel, causing tingling, numbness and pain in the fingers. If the condition isn’t treated promptly, it can result in permanent nerve damage, which may result in a loss of feeling or a complete loss of function in the hand. If you have symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, it’s best to see a doctor at the first possible opportunity. They can prescribe anti-inflammatory medications to help reduce the swelling in the carpal tunnel and allow the nerve to heal.


Another common problem caused by RSI is tendinitis. This is inflammation of one or more of the tendons in the hands and wrists. The most common types of tendinitis are tennis elbow and golfers elbow. These are caused by repeatedly bending the wrist at an awkward angle and tensing the muscles of the upper arm. Tendons are the fibrous tissues that connect muscles to the bones. When these are overstretched, as is the case with tendonitis, the usual treatment is rest and the use of anti-inflammatory painkillers. If you suffer from this condition, you can prevent it from recurring by using an ergonomic keyboard.

Ulnar nerve palsy

A serious, but fortunately rare, RSI is ulnar nerve palsy. This condition causes the nerve that runs through the forearm to swell and compress, resulting in numbness and tingling in the hand. If it isn’t treated, the condition can progress to paralysis in the hand, which obviously makes typing very difficult indeed. Nerve compression is caused by a combination of factors, including an incorrect posture, muscle tension and repetitive movements. Although it’s relatively rare, ulnar nerve palsy can occur in people who work at computer keyboards. Using an ergonomic keyboard can help to prevent this condition by reducing muscle tension in the upper body.

How to choose an ergonomic keyboard

When choosing an ergonomic keyboard, the first thing to look for is the way in which the keys are positioned. Ideally, they should be arranged in a downward slope, so that the wrists are kept in a straight, neutral position. You should be able to type without having to move your hands from their home position. You should also be able to type without having to stretch or bend your fingers. Ideally, the keyboard should be low enough for you to be able to keep your hands in a natural position and keep your elbows close to your body.


If you work at a computer, you probably spend a lot of time typing. While this can be rewarding, it can also be very painful. Using an ergonomic keyboard can relieve the pain associated with RSI, while allowing you to type as efficiently as possible. Besides, who doesn’t want a more comfortable and efficient working environment? The best way to achieve that is by investing in an ergonomic keyboard.

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